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Talking through problems, exploring myths and dreams, Gentle Reiki Healing



* as For all treatments, please try to refrain from drinking alcohol on the day and remember to give yourself time to process the treatment afterwards; drink plenty of water on the day and over the next two days.

*You may feel tired, emotional, or just a bit 'below par'.

 please be assured, this is quite normal, remember to practise self-care and be Extra-kind to yourself

any questions?

Call me for a chat: 07597897766


Deep tissue massage can benefit you if you have:

  • Sprained an ankle

  • Lower back pain

  • Tendinitis

  • Any long-term aches or pains due to repetitive movement or actions/ ‘over-use’ injuries

  • Postural problems

  • Need rehabilitation from recent injuries/injuries that won’t ‘heal’

  • Neck and shoulder stiffness/immobility

Deep Tissue Massage/Sports Massage 

1 hour:   £50.00/£45.00
30 minutes: £25.00

A strong, deep tissue massage incorporating advanced Sports Massage techniques as required.

Deep tissue massage is especially beneficial for long standing, (chronic) issues, sore muscles and stiff joints, and injuries which have failed to heal without pain.

It is also used for sports- and active people to maintain and regain soft tissue flexibility and strength and includes attention to the key relationships between nerve and soft tissue fibres. 

neuromuscular techniques such as strain/counterstrain and trigger point work can be used to re-balance that integral relationship and to great effect.

Allow 1hr and fifteen minutes or 45 minutes for the first session with me to allow for history/note taking, and 65/35 minutes for follow-up sessions.

Deep tissue massage uses organic fairly-traded shea butter without any fragrances.


When I was transitioning through the menopause I had very little support, I didn't know what to expect, and i didn't really know what was happening in or to my body.

I barely recognised myself!

Knowing how stressful and confusing this time can be has given me insights and I'd like to offer my help to those women Finding themselves in a similar place in their lives.

Reiki Chat 

1 hour: £45.00/£40.00

Mention menopause and everyone can go very quiet!

If you are feeling the effects of changing hormones, and all that goes with that, on physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels, then this treatment is for you!

a relaxing and uplifting massage focusing on the areas that are important to you, at a depth and intensity you set.

during the session we will have a chance to chat, share experiences and 'commune' as women.

the transition from monthly periods to none at all can be a really confusing time, and no-one tells you quite how bad it can get.

If that rings true for you, then spending time on yourself, exploring the themes that are making themselves present in your life, and receiving a physically beneficial massage can allow you to become more in tune with yourself and move through the transition more comfortably.

Attention will be focused on the areas that are important to you and those subjects you'd like to 'get off your chest'!

Allow an extra 15 minutes for your first session with me.

Menopause massage uses Organic Fairly-traded shea butter without any fragrances.


Reiki Healing is a subtle yet profound form of energy healing directed through the hands of the therapist to the recipient, inducing a sense of calm and peace and promoting healing and wellbeing.

It can help elevate your mood, ground you from anxiety and distress, or simply offer you a safe space to feel connected.

Dreamwork Discovery

1 hour: £55.00/£50.00

Experience the full power of reiki!

the amazing benefits of Reiki Healing with the beautiful Magical Sprays and crystals added to the treatment as we go along.

A full body healing using Reiki healing energy for the front and back of the body.

Reiki is a gentle and profound form of energetic healing that can target areas needed, as well as raise the well-being of the whole body.

attention will be focused on the areas that are important to you, as well as your entire energy system, via the chakras, hands, legs, and feet.

The magical chakra sprays not only smell divine, they are specially formulated for each of the chakras of the body.

Crystals placed on each chakra raise the energetic vibration for each placement during the treatment.

Allow 1hr and 15 minutes for your first session and 65 minutes for each follow-up session.

Reiki is performed fully clothed.


Reiki is a gentle yet profound energy healing that can assist physical, emotional and spiritual health. Sometimes this can mean real changes to the experience of pain within the body, as well as alleviating discomfort and raising general feelings of wellbeing.

Short Reiki/Taster Reiki session

40 minutes: £45.00/£40.00

This shorter version of the full body Reiki Healing session is designed for those who want to get a ‘feel’ for Reiki Healing or perhaps don’t have time for a longer session.

Attention will be directed to those areas that you highlight on the day, and any other areas that come up whilst I am treating you.

Allow an good hour for history/note taking on your first session, and 50 minutes for follow-up sessions.

Reiki is performed fully clothed.



working with the body this way allows expression of deeper patterns that may be inhibiting movement or emotional balance, and can be liberating as well as deeply relaxing.

you decide on the depth and intensity of your massage. 

Combined massage with Reiki Healing incorporating somatic and yoga practice techniques.

45 minutes: £50.00/£45.00
/60 minutes: £60.00/£55.00

Although I have always incorporated a certain amount of intuitive therapy and energy work into my practise, this session allows us much more flexibility to go into deeper somatic and breath work, alongside the neuromuscular techniques of Sport massage, whilst also paying attention to the energy of reiki healing throughout the whole session. 

You will be guided by the body, and I will be guided by Reiki and work intuitively. We will discover in these sessions the key areas that prevent full healing and work on those areas with respect and gentleness.

Expect surprises and come to these sessions with an open mind!

Allow an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes for the first session for complete note and history taking, and 50 minutes/65 minutes for follow-up sessions.

Some of this practise may be performed using organic, fragrance-free shea butter.


 healing in the comfort of your own home

An excellent way to first experience Reiki


please remember to pay in advance for distance healing*

Distance Healing using Reiki Healing

15 minutes: £20.00/£15.00

Reiki Healing in the comfort of your own home!

Distance Healing is a gentle and effective form of Reiki healing that you can access in your own home. It will take around fifteen minutes but allow twenty minutes from start to finish.

You will need to be in a safe, comfortable and warm space where you will not be disturbed by any distractions, allowing you to fully relax.

If you have not received Reiki before, or have transport issues, then this is an ideal way to experience the power of Reiki.

Allow around 20 mins and have access to water to drink afterwards.

NB. These sessions must be paid for in advance.

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